Thursday, April 26, 2012

Teachers Rock Challenge

My oldest son had his preschool class picture taken about a month ago and we got it back last week. I am trying to start on his scrapbook and getting pages done a couple at a time - I wanted to wait until each of the boys was 5 before I started on their respective scrapbooks because I know that if I started right away, I would have millions of pictures of their first 3 months!
Alex loves school and talks about his teachers and friends constantly. I don't have to worry about teacher gifts for another 5 weeks, and I am not good at planning ahead.
This weeks challenge on the Circle Blog was to:

The Challenge: Create a project of your choice using primary colors. Enhance your Cricut cuts using chalk.
Rules and Guidelines: Circle Blog Challenges are open to Cricut Circle Members only. Your project must be newly created for this challenge and include atleast 2 Cricut Image Cuts. You must submit a project to be entered into the Challenge Prize Drawing. One entry per person, please.
Paper: Piggy Tales, Close to My Heart. Buttons, craft supply. Pearls, CTMH. Twine, Doodlebug. Cartridges, Simply Charmed, Simply Sweet and Art Philosophy. CCR and Imagine.

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